To add a Club, see or change its settings you need to have a role of Account Administrator.
When you're first creating your club content, use your reseller's Sales/Support app to view its content. You can find your content in the Sales/Support app either using
Name search -- users can find the club by its name, location and postcode
Keyword search -- users can find the club by a keyword
When you are creating your content, you may not want to use Name search -- the Sales/Support app is available for anyone to download, including your competitors, and simply by searching for the name of your town they may find your "under construction" app content. To avoid this, turn off Name search and use something obscure as a keyword, for example "ring987" in the Ring Leisure example.
Once the app is built, we use an Account keyword to show all your clubs to your app users so they can choose which club(s) they are interested in, for example "Ring Leisure".
Note that you can also create a hidden club for test purposes. To hide a club, remove the Account keyword from the Keyword search list and put an obscure keyword instead. Read Getting started, selecting clubs and push settings to find this in the app.
The video shows how to set up a club, enter its details and set the search settings.